Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Wedding Party by spanglemaker9

Title: The Wedding Party

Author: Spanglemaker9


Summary: The perfect person appears at the worst possible moment, and one unforgettable encounter changes everything. AH

Rating: M

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 6
Fluffiness/Angst - 8
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – n/a
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 9
Smut – 8

Is this story complete? No

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Up to the latest update (chapter 27 at time of review)

*Spoilers follow*

I didn’t have high expectations for this story when I started it. I honestly thought it would be another annoyingly sweet story about Bella and Edward and I would be forced to abandon ship within a couple chapters.

I am so glad I was wrong!

Bella falls for Edward at Alice and Jasper’s wedding. Though she is in a relationship with James at the time, she realizes she doesn’t love him and needs to break up with him. In an effort to not cheat on James even though she knows she plans to break up with him as soon as she gets home, she tries to resist Edward. Obviously, it doesn’t work, but if it had, the story probably wouldn’t be half as good. Then, bombs drop when Bella returns home from the wedding and things get hella complicated.

This fic constantly keeps me on my toes and I can’t wait to see what happens next!

Edward Wallbanger by Feathersmmmm

Title: Edward Wallbanger

Author: feathersmmmm


Summary: Bella moves into a fantastic apartment building in San Francisco. Guess who lives next door? With walls this thin, the tension is gonna be thick...

Rating: M

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 10
Fluffiness/Angst - 1
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 10
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 2, then 10
Smut – 7

Is this story complete? No

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Up to the latest update (chapter 21 at time of review)

*Spoilers follow*

In this story, Edward has three women that he has sex with (not at the same time, but I’m sure he’s probably done that at some point). The problem is that he and his lady friends are so loud when they get busy that poor Bella and her cat, Clive, can’t sleep.

The first three or four chapters of the Bang Bang (as I sometimes call this story in my head) are probably some of the funniest I’ve ever read in Twilight fanficdom…maybe ever. The story is told mainly from Bella’s POV and I laughed hysterically when she described the sounds coming through her wall.

After those first few chapters, it’s still funny but as the harem dwindles and the romance heightens, I find that I’m not giggling as much as I used to, which sucks, but it’s still high on the list of my favorite ExB stories (yes, I have a list. Sue me.)

Something to note: Feathersmmmm twists some of the character relationships that we as readers are expecting. I don’t want to give too much away because I, personally, found that the surprise in how the characters were connected was part of what held my interest in the story, but for my Jake lovers, just know that he’s taken and Leah is nowhere in that picture.

P.S. My favorite character is Clive…and I’m not even a cat person.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Help Wanted by Jaxon22

Title: Help Wanted

Author: Jaxon22


Summary: Bella Swan applies for the job of PA to the rude, arrogant and distant Hollywood star Edward Cullen. Will she be able to do her job without letting feelings get in the way? A/H Lush Lemons Graphic and language.

Rating: M

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 6
Fluffiness/Angst - 3
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 10
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 2, then 10
Smut – 7

Is this story complete? Yes

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes

*Spoilers follow*

So… I didn’t love this story, but I didn’t hate it either. My main problem was that there was sex every chapter and there are like 60 chapters so after a while I just started skipping over the sex to get back to the story. The story itself was ok.
Jake was in it, his presence was minimal (boo) but he wasn’t an asshole (YAY!), hence the rating of 10.

At first, Edward is predictably a douche, but once he warms up he’s almost saccharin sweet.

There are a few hilarious moments and a few angsty moments, but it’s mainly sugary sweet sexy times. If you need an escape into Edward and Bella LaLa land, this is the fic to read.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

No Choice by glasscannon.lj

Title: No Choice

Author: glasscannon.lj


Summary: New Moon AU. During Bella's run in with Laurent, what if the wolves had shown up just a few minutes later? Those minutes change Bella's life forever, and she must learn to deal with the consequences. Nominated for two Twific Indie Awards.

Rating: T

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 4
Fluffiness/Angst - 9
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 10
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 9
Smut – n/a
Sensuality – n/a

Is this story complete? No

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Up to the latest update (Chapter 14 at the time of review)

*Spoilers follow*

Okay, so I wish this is how New Moon had turned out. It’s WAAAAAY more interesting. Bella actually gets bitten by Laurent and gets away before the wolves come back for her. She turns and then has to figure out what her eternal life will look like since she can’t go back to Charlie.

The characters seem pretty much cannon, though I was disappointed with Bella and the Cullens from time to time in the manner they treated Jacob, who did nothing wrong. That’s vamps for you, I guess.

Jake is a 10 because he’s still pretty awesome and even offers to run away with Bella after she’s turned. He still loves her, despite the fact that she’s undead, and hates Edward, but who would blame him?

Edward is a 9 only because he just showed up in the last chapter and has lost his mind. For real. Bella came to him to bring him back to his family and he calls her a demon. It’s crazy, but I’m sure he’ll make it to the 10 spot quickly.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Bella and the Billionaire by nashstheory

Title: Bella and the Billionaire

Author: nashstheory


Summary: Edward Cullen is a reclusive computer prodigy who needs a personal assistant and Bella Swan is a single mother that needs a job. What happens when these two are brought together and can they both find what they need in their lives?

Rating: M

Readability/Grammar – 9
Humor – 8
Fluffiness/Angst – 5
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 0
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – 7

Is this story complete? Yes

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes

Jake fans—there is absolutely no love for you here. Although I tend to separate Jacob from any negative characters authors put him in, so it’s not too bad if you can just completely distance yourself from the name. This character doesn't resemble Jacob in the slightest with personality or actions, so it's pretty easy.


This story was so flip-floppy with emotions, I seriously thought I would get whiplash. But in a good way. It was highly fluffy, in the sense that Edward and Bella’s relationship only had flaws in the sense that they didn’t see how much one cared for the other. On the other end of the spectrum, it was highly angsty, considering that Bella’s entire family was out to get her. The story comes out (although not graphic other than describing after-effects) that Phil raped Bella as a teenager, and Renée convinced herself that Bella seduced him, and sent him off to live with Charlie. Charlie is a controlling and emotionally abusive father who would love nothing more to see Bella marry a controlling and emotionally abusive Jake. The only real neutral character that’s present is Billy, who—I believe I read at one point—actually sided with Bella. Once Charlie and Jake coerced someone to issue a marriage license without Bella’s presence—or even signature—they got married and lived together at UW. Bella becomes pregnant with Jake’s son, Charlie, and this whole time both he and Charlie Sr. are convinced that Bella is under substance abuse, which is why she’s being so difficult in the marriage.

In any case… now that I’ve completely ruined the plotline for you, you should totally go read it! Hahaha. No, I’m just kidding… that’s just the back story, and it’s not exactly a secret.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bare by stella luna sky

Title: Bare

Author: stella luna sky


Summary: A beautifully plain girl writes the colors used to unravel a young prodigy of the brushstroke. What color are the eyes that see through the heart? Forest green and their rooted brown.

Rating: M

Readability/Grammar – 9 (see note below)
Humor – 2
Fluffiness/Angst – 8
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – n/a (he’s in it, but barely)
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 8
Smut – 4

Is this story complete? Yes

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes

*SPOILERS FOLLOW (but not too bad)*

This story is about two people who are insecure in very different ways. It touches on a lot of different subjects, and is super angsty. You read it and feel like you’re going through the beginning of a relationship—you know how you feel but are afraid of it, for fear it will just get up and pathetically walk away, leaving you with a gaping hole.

I’m still recovering and am going to jump into a fluffy nonsense story to fully heal, so I’ll just get to what I needed to say about the readability.

The only issue I had, I’m sure was the fault of They have successfully removed most scene dividers, only leaving a standard paragraph break (I am having to go through my entire fic and re-upload it so it actually makes sense again without them). So when you’re reading a scene in one paragraph and then it jumps to something else completely, it throws you for a loop. Just keep that in mind, and you’ll be fine.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Dominant by tara sue me

Title: The Dominant

Author: tara sue me


Summary: Because every story has two sides - The Submissive from EPOV. Rated M for Adult Themes and D/s. Will make more sense if you read The Submissive first.

Rating: MA (M version available on

Readability/Grammar – 9
Humor – 2
Fluffiness/Angst – 9
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – n/a
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – 10

Is this story complete? Yes

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes

No need for spoilers here—everything you need to know is in the summary. If you’ve read The Submissive, then you know what’s going to happen, it just gives you a lot more love for Edward, since you’re now inside his mind.

No need to worry about Jake, unless you want to see him as human. Here, Jake is a rescued Siberian Husky, which would totally bother me if it were the other way around, and Edward were portrayed as a Jack Russell Terrier, I’d be really upset, so I guess I’m working off of a double-standard. Oh well. Hahaha.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Master of the Universe by Snowqueens Icedragon

Title: Master of the Universe

Author: Snowqueens Icedragon


Summary: Bella Swan is drafted in to interview the reclusive, enigmatic Edward Cullen, multi-millionaire CEO of his company. It's an encounter that will change her life irrevocably, leading her to the darkest realms of desire. Adult themes, AH AU, Bella and Edward.

Rating: MA (M version available on

Readability/Grammar – 9
Humor – 5
Fluffiness/Angst – 9
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 5
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – 10

Is this story complete? No

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes (Up to ch. 82, latest update)

*major spoilers follow*


Totally not what I was expecting. Truly, I was expecting something along the lines of The Submissive and The Dominant (I haven’t finished The Dominant yet), but it’s not even close.

A brief glimpse into my ratings:

-The grammar and readability in this fic isn’t perfect, but it’s not as distracting once you get into the story. I have a very specific way of writing, myself, so I’m slightly biased when it comes to technique and how that plays into readability.

-This story is not comedic, in any form of the word, but I found myself cracking up a certain lines, or how Bella and Edward interact, either with themselves, or with others (that comment should make sense if you read it).

-This story has a tiny bit of the fluffy in it, but it's primarily angst. It's strange, because when I actually went to go rate this section, I was thinking, Wow, it really is ALL angst, isn't it? I think the difference here, is that even when times are stressful, it's hopeful. I never once got the feeling (well, with 82 chapters already written, I guess I didn't have much to worry about) that issues were going to be left as they were. Something that helps is that, from the very beginning, Edward is relatively open about how much he wants Bella, and because it's entirely from Bella's perspective, you know how much she is helpless against her desire for him.

-As far as Jake fans are concerned, Jake is mildly irritating. Like in a lot of other fics where he’s a hindrance to Edward and Bella’s relationship, he’s a good guy, just misguided. In the beginning of the fic he and Bella are both drunk and he tries to kiss her. Bella has already drunk dialed Edward moments before this, who flips out and is already on his way, just in time to get rid of Jake (*whew* No involuntary kisses here! Of course not!). Jake is a photographer who we see, when his gallery opens one night, has been taking candid of Bella shots (not distasteful, just unexpected), that are blown up to gigantic proportions. It’s obvious that he’s in love with her. Bella has told him multiple times—and it’s getting annoying—that she’s with Edward, it’s serious, and she’s not interested in him as more than a friend. Still, she’d rather ignore the fact that he’s dense and letting her lead him on, than cut him off because of it.

-Edward is always the protagonist here. Even when he's being a total DID/psycho/control freak/crazy person, you know it's only because it's completely smitten with Bella, and can't imagine his life without her in it. This is an issue that's raised later, so no worries. Bella doesn't take it lying down (haha, pun TOTALLY intended), and makes the point that she understands his love for her, but doesn't give him the right to put her in a guilded cage.

-Smut. *sigh.* Well, as you can most likely guess from the title, the content centers around the BDSM lifestyle. That being said, there are actually minimal scenes where this lifestyle is acted upon. Anyone who has serious issues with that can go for the edited version available on

All of this being said, I am really enjoying this fic and the way the characters are developing.

And now, my anticlimactic sign-off.

Laters, Baby!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Family Business by SuzsPetals

Title: The Family Business

Author: SuzsPetals


Summary: Edward Cullen met the girl of his dreams but pushed her away due to his complicated, dangerous family life. When cruel irony reunites them, he’s forced to make a devastating choice: Save her from a fate worse than death or from the family business. AU

Rating: M

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 5
Fluffiness/Angst - 5
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – N/A so far
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – N/A so far
Sensuality - 3

Is this story complete? Yes

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Up to the latest update (chapter 12 at time of review)

*Spoilers follow*

Jake is mentioned and has a brief phone conversation with Edward, but otherwise is absent so far. He seems a little immature, but otherwise likeable. We’ll see how his character progresses, but I don’t think he’ll turn evil anytime soon.

The story is kinda tragic. Bella and Edward have one night together, but Edward breaks it off, and in the process breaks Bella’s heart. Bella moves to Florida with her mom for two years, but after a few unpleasant run ins with Phil, she decides to drive across the country to visit Charlie for a while. Within 20 miles of Forks, her tire blows and she accepts a ride from a stranger, then all hell breaks loose ‘cause she can’t hold her bladder. In my mind, I was yelling “STRANGER DANGER” and blowing my whistle, but Bella didn’t listen to me (and when does she ever *sigh*).

Edward broke off his budding relationship with Bella in an attempt to be noble, but it backfires on him when he finds her dying in a crack house three years later. Edward himself is very interesting. I don’t want to give away what the family business is, but let’s just say, it isn’t driving an ice cream truck.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

His Personal Assistant by NorthernLights17

Title: His Personal Assistant

Author: NorthernLights17


Summary: Bella Swan, personal assistant to handsome, rich, successful Edward Cullen, decides to take her friends advice and make her oblivious boss fall in love with her. AU/AH.

Rating: M

Readability/Grammar – 9
Humor – 8
Fluffiness/Angst – 4
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 5
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – 8

Is this story complete? Yes

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes


This story is adorable. Minus a couple corny Let’s-actually-discuss-a-silly-plan-to-seduce-and/or-get-back-at-someone incidences or slight over-discussion of feelings at the end, it was quite good. I think the over-discussion was due to the fact that she had multiple POVs, which is easy to do unless you’re super careful about it. Even in real life we tend to over-analyze things, and if we actually knew each others’ thoughts, we would be over-discussing our feelings, too. Did that make any sense? I hope it did.

The readability was only a minor setback. I would have been able to read it much quicker if she had a beta who focused on small details, but for the most part it was fine.

The only thing wrong with Jake in this story (considering that he’s barely in it) is overestimating his and Bella’s relationship, and doesn’t get the hint when she had told him she only wanted to be friends, or when she’s basically molesting Edward in a restaurant, right in front of him. He’s only 20 (Bella’s age—they grew up together), so he’s still young and naïve, so we’ll forgive him for that.

Read it. Enjoy it. Invest in a ShamWow! *wide grin*

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Through Your Eyes by Megsly

Title: Through Your Eyes

Author: Megsly


Summary: Bella is completely blind, but has a very unique method of getting around her disability. Upon moving to Forks she realizes that she's not the only student in Forks High with a secret.

Rating: T

Readability/Grammar – 6
Humor – 4
Fluffiness/Angst – 4
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 3
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 9
Smut – n/a
Sensuality – n/a

Is this story complete? Yes

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? No. (Stopped at chapter 19)


Jake lovers: The Quileutes/wolf pack are obnoxious.

The progression of my emotions for this fic was:
“Oh my goodness, that’s really corny.”
“This is actually kinda good.”
“Man, I’m so glad Cora wanted me to read this!”
“Hmm… She’s kinda giving Alice a lot of control. Something I’m not a fan of.”
“Wow, Carlisle wouldn’t be that rude.”
“The wolves are really irritating.”
“This is getting really repetitive.”
“Where did this infatuation come from?”
“That has no purpose—why is it even necessary?”
“This is silly.”
“I don’t want to read anymore.”

There you have it. Since it’s completed I might finish it one day, but the fact that she treats the wolves completely unsympathetically really gets to me. She also falls into a typical blunder that a lot of authors do, and that’s making Alice a primary conductor of everything that happens. Yes, she may do that to a degree in SM’s world, but the fact that it’s a central topic of discussion bothers me.

She also trades-off POVs a lot, which is distracting, especially when it’s from a POV that you’re not familiar with.

I gave it a relatively low Readability/Grammar rating because she runs a lot of paragraphs together, misuses common homophones (e.g. your/you're, to/too, etc.), and has quotes from different characters in the same paragraph. Big no-nos of writing when you're trying to be concise.

Apparently this story is relatively popular. But I think with better editing and a little more promise of Quileute redemption, she would have a lot more readers.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Cocky and the Cougar by ikss

Title: The Cocky and the Cougar

Author: ikss


Summary: Credit and Sales - often at war in Corporate America. When Con-Vert's new, young Director of Sales Edward Masen met 38 year-old Director of Credit Bella Swan, it was almost inevitible that sparks would fly. AH...RATED MA - ADULTS ONLY, PLEASE

Rating: M

Readability – 9 (just a little wordy sometimes)
Grammar - 10
Humor - 7
Fluffiness/Angst - 5
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 2
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 8
Smut – 7

Is this story complete? No

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes (Up to chapter 23)

*spoilers follow*

Jacob fans… *sigh*… as of this second, I have a gut feeling that “2” rating will drop down to a one, or even zero. He’s an attractive American Literature professor and Bella met him as a graduate student (he’s ten years her senior). They separated three years ago when she found him with one of his current grad students, and they are now in the middle of divorcing because said grad student is now pregnant. We don’t know if he’s cheated on her before then, but it’s possible. It’s entirely from Bella’s perspective, so we only know what she knows. I’m pretty sure the reason they weren’t divorced already was because they just didn’t want to hassle with the paperwork (silly, I know).

On that note, I didn’t think I’d enjoy this fic, but it’s actually really good. Bella’s a little too emotionally wishy-washy for me, especially in later chapters, but I’m hoping all ends well. The plot’s fairly obvious, so I’ll just let you get to it. ;)

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Exchange Student by Lady Gwynedd

Title: The Exchange Student

Author: Lady Gwynedd


Summary: He's simply an exchange student looking for a decent cup of tea and Bella provides it. She thinks he's completely perfect. When he finds himself in a jam, she offers to help him out; however, they are both soon way over their heads.Will true love prevail?

Rating: T

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 3
Fluffiness/Angst - 1
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – N/A
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – n/a
Sensuality - 7

Is this story complete? Yes

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes

*Spoilers follow*

The fluffiest of fluff, but in a very good way. If you’re in the mood for a flawless Edward, this is your story. It’s basically the premise of the movie, Green Card, only E and B are college students (if you’re too young to know what the movie Green Card was about, just ignore that reference and keep it moving).

Jake isn’t in the one so there’s no need to worry about how he’s portrayed. In fact, it’s so fluffy that the only people you might dislike are Esme (I know, I couldn’t believe it either) and the INS agents (just ‘cause they get a little too personal).

Basically, if you need the warm and fuzzies with no angst to worry your pretty little head over, this is the story to read. :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Daily Grind by letmesign

Title: The Daily Grind

Author: letmesign


Summary: Coffee-addict Bella pines for her regular customer, but finds herself unable to throw a whole sentence together around him. Attempted comedy, sarcasm, TV/Movie references, some sweetness. Short story. M for eventual resolving of UST i.e. lemons/sexytimez.

Rating: M

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 10
Fluffiness/Angst - 3
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – n/a
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – 8

Is this story complete? Yes (minus more possible epilogues)

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes

Cute story. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It has a different take on Rosalie and Emmett's relationship, which is refreshing. No need for spoilers here. Even JxB fans will like this one.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bad Press by HappyWanderer

Title: Bad Press

Author: HappyWanderer


Summary: With the heirs to his hotel completely out of control, Carlisle hires PR pro Bella Swan to do damage control. Will she be able to tame the infamous playboy Edward Cullen? AH, OOC ExB. Rated M for language and lemons.

Rating: M

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 10
Fluffiness/Angst - 4
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 10, he’s gay, and hysterical.
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – n/a (so far)
Sensuality - 10

Is this story complete? no

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes (up to most recent update, ch 13)

*spoilers follow*

Poor Cora asked me to read and review this story for her because Jake is gay and it’s making her sad.

Well, good for me she asked me to read it, because it’s absolutely hysterical. My dear twi-roommate was making fun of me* last night for laughing so hard at some of the lines.

So far it’s typical, fluffy, and awesome. Edward and Bella meet, and it’s inevitable that they are—the very next day—placed in an awkward work situation. At first I thought this was going to be a tame version of The Office, but it’s not. It actually does have its own elements to it, and I’m waiting with baited breath for her next update.

*Amendment : She apparently wasn't making fun of me, she just didn't want me to choke. Right.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Canon by Sidekick55

Title: Canon

Author: Sidekick55


Summary: The problem with living forever is...your secrets do too. This is probably the most peripheral Twilight fanfic ever. Give it a try, you might like it anyhow. Yes, the Cullens are in it

Rating: T

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 9
Fluffiness/Angst - 5
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 10, but he’s not a major player
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – n/a
Sensuality - 8

Is this story complete? Yes

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes

*Spoilers follow*

This is one of the first fanfics I ever read and it’s still in my top five. It takes place after Breaking Dawn and follows the story of a completely new character, Ethan Powell. Ethan’s parent’s divorce and he is forced to move to Forks with his mother. With Cullens as classmates, hilarity and insanity are bound to ensue.
Edward is pretty cannon. I don’t have any complaints of him –hell, he even made me laugh a time or two.

Ethan’s antics are hilarious and not to be missed. When reading, it’s easy to pretend that this is just the next book in the series (or a super long epilogue, lol). Plus, its fun to see all of the “original” Forks High’s descendants and everyone should discover the wonders of cemetery tag.

Oh! Don't forget to check out the epic playlist! The link is in Sidekick's profile.

Disappear Here by h32mh32m

Title: Disappear Here

Author: h32mh32m


Summary: Swimming with the sharks is just part of the high school experience, but navigating the social relationships at an elite prep school, Bella finds that getting on Rosalie's bad side is like adding chum to the water. AH OOC ExB eventually, M for sex, drugs.

Rating: M

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 9
Fluffiness/Angst - 6
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – n/a updated: 1 as of chapter 23
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 8
Smut – 7

Is this story complete? No

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Up to the latest update (Chapter 14 at the time of review)

*Spoilers follow*
Disappear Here is another story that caught me by surprise in the first chapter and has had me hooked ever since. Bella gets dumped, painfully, but not by whom you’re thinking hehe, and tries to mend her broken heart while also defending herself from the evil heifers at her school.

Jake’s not in this story, as of yet. Edward is okay. He has moments where you can see that he cares for Bella, but so far, he mostly just broods. Jasper is the salve for Bella’s broken heart at the moment and I love him. He’s a sweetie! Alice is in this fic too as Bella’s best bud, but they don’t attend the same school. Can’t wait to see how that plays out.

Emmett is hilarious and makes my day pretty much every time he speaks.

This fic has a Cruel Intentions vibe. The kids are rich and jaded, but each character has redeeming qualities. They drink and do drugs, which makes me a little sad, but otherwise, I love this fic long time.

: Team Jake fans, be prepared. Though Jake isn't a main character in the story he is mentioned in chapter 23 and it isn't exactly pleasant.

Becoming Bella Swan by BellaFlan

Title: Becoming Bella Swan

Author: BellaFlan


Summary: INDIE TWIFIC AWARD WINNER! Bella Swan is being hospitalized for an Identity Disorder...Or is Bella Flanagan being hospitalized? Set after Edward leaves in New Moon or I'm writing this from an asylum. WARNING MA only. VERY DARK COMEDY.

Rating: M

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 10!
Fluffiness/Angst - 6
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 9
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 8
Smut – 8

Is this story complete? No

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Up to the latest update (Chapter 33 at the time of review)

*Spoilers follow*

This is one of the funniest stories I’ve read. Bella Flanagan is my new shero! (That means she-hero, for those of you not in the know)
Instead of just getting depressed after Edward leaves her in the woods, it appears that Bella Swan suffers a psychotic break and develops a split personality named Isabella Flanagan. Isabella Flanagan is snarky, horny and without a filter (can’t you see why I love her now?)

Edward is pretty cannon-like. He visits Bella in the hospital and is okay for the most part. The only reason I gave him an 8 is ‘cause he told Bella goodbye for a second time and hurt her again after she’d already been so broken she was in a mental institution. I mean, damn, Eddie, really?

Jake is also pretty much like cannon. He’s sweet to a fault and pretty much does whatever Bella asks of him(either Bella, though Bella Flanagan’s requests are so much more fun. Hehehe). Best part for me? Jake’s dick is bigger! BWAHAHAHA!!!

Don’t fret, Edward lovers. This is an ExB story and, though Bella Flanagan has sexy times with both boys, she will end up with Edward. Jake imprints (and not on Nessie :) ) so there’s no need for Jake fans to fret either. Both boys will be happy in the end.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hide and Drink by Savage

Title: Hide and Drink

Author: Savage


Summary: Bella’s blood was just too tempting to be ignored. In this version of Twilight, Edward takes Bella on a sadistic journey with his monstrous side. While Edward drags her around the world, barely keeping a step ahead of his frantic family, Bella battles the monster for possession of the gentler vampire inside her captor. EPOV.

Rating: NC-17

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 4
Fluffiness/Angst - 9
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – n/a
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 2, then 8
Smut – n/a
Sensuality - 8

Is this story complete? No

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Up to the latest update (Chapter 16 at the time of review)

*Spoilers follow*

This is a reimagining of Twilight, in which a very good question is posed. “What would have happened if Edward didn’t have so much willpower?”
Well, it’s elementary, my dear Twi-fic reader. Edward would have kidnapped Bella after the first day of school and drank her blood every few days.
It’s like one of those train wrecks that are really tragic, but you can’t help but keep your eyes glued to the carnage.
I like this Bella a little more than cannon. She seems a bit stronger, though this is a much tougher situation. There’s no getting out of it. If she tries to leave (which is impossible anyway with a kidnapper who doesn’t sleep and rarely leaves you alone), then Edward goes bat-shit crazy.
Be warned, Edward-Lovers. He does some fucked up things to keep Bella around. He’s getting better, but he’s still a little nutty, which is why he gets an 8 for now instead of a 10.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hot Landing Zone by hjb2006

Title: Hot Landing Zone

Author: hjb2006


Summary: Edward Cullen blames scientist Isabella Swan for getting them stranded on a remote island. But hell, Edward can improvise, adapt, and long as Bella stops driving him wild...

Rating: M

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 7
Fluffiness/Angst - 4
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – n/a
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – 8

Is this story complete? Yes

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes

*Spoilers follow*

For the majority of this story, Bella and Edward are alone on an island together so there really isn't time for anyone else to be involved. It's a short, sweet, and to the point story about a Marine and a scientist discovering that they have a lot more in common than they thought.
Well-written and a great read.

P.S. Edward as a Marine is def someting I can get behind.

Friday, March 26, 2010

First Edition by lambcullen

Title: First Edition

Author: lambcullen


Summary: He watched her for weeks and wanted her for just as long. Can one lonely day in his bookstore bring them together.

Rating: M

Readability/Grammar – 10
Humor – 6
Fluffiness/Angst – 5
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 10 (Jake is gay)
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – 7

Is this story complete? No

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes, to last update (chapter 9 at time of review)


Jake lovers… put this one down. He’s gay.

Okay, so the story is basically two emotionally-inept people who end up having sex in his bookstore. They’ve been eyeing each other for months, but after doing the deed, feel that it’s something more than just a random screw.

A little bit of angst, but mostly fluffy. lambcullen is a HEA gal, so I have complete faith in her stories, although Cora would rather boycott her because she makes Jake into some horrendous incarnations. Whoops! Hi, Cora. How’ve you been? I know we haven’t talked in a while, but I basically read all of lambcullen’s stories. Hehehe…

Wolves addition:
Cora here...Actually, I read all but the latest chapter of First Edition. It's an ok story, I just don't understand why she refuses to let girls lust after the wolves. Jake's a beater in one story, Seth's gay in another... I mean, I lust after gay men sometimes, but knowing they couldn't possibly reciprocate 'cause they aren't into vag takes some of the fun out of it. Just sayin'.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Side note: We take requests!

Just in case you all weren't aware, we do take requests for good fics to be reviewed.

In both Cora's and my life, there are times when we get really busy (this time happens to be mine), and therefore only really keep up with our current fics and don't have time to go out and look for new ones.

Cora reads pretty much anything (unless Jake is an ass), and I read ExB fics, so you can E-mail either one or both of us for requests.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Artist in the Ambulance by 4theluvofMary

Title: The Artist in the Ambulance

Author: 4theluvofMary


Summary: While trying to run from his future, Edward gets into a car accident. Bandaged head to toe, his disdain for hospital staff extends even to the woman who saved his life. Without the aid of his good looks, does he stand a chance? AH/EPOV

Rating: M

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 6
Fluffiness/Angst - 6
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 10
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 7.5
Smut – 7

Is this story complete? No

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Up to the latest update (Chapter 13 at the time of review)

*Spoilers follow*

Edward is a douche for a while, but you can see that Bella brings out the best in him and he begins to change his ways as time goes on. He’s not awesome, but he’s changing for the better, hence the 7.5 rating.

Jake is Bella’s long distance boyfriend, and an awesome guy. Vanessa’s in the mix, though, so be prepared.

Forbidden Desire by IslandWoman221

Title: Forbidden Desire

Author: IslandWoman221


Summary: In an alternate all human universe, where society reached modern times with the equivalent to an Ancient Roman appearance and level of technology, sexual pleasure is paramount; the Cullens are a breed apart: sexual vegetarians, if you will.
Bella is an "Innocent" and so off limits for deeper sexual gratification, a role she gladly embraces, taking pleasure only in giving to those around her.
That is until she meets Edward. Suddenly her Father's insistence on her remaining an Innocent and Aro's desires to keep her for himself have become an unwelcome burden to her life. How will Bella and Edward survive their desire to be together when it is forbidden?
This story is a thinly disguised excuse for steamy lemons in the vein of a Roman orgy, yet there is also a deeper story about selfless giving and how love might just be worth waiting for...and fighting for.

Rating: NC-17

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 3
Fluffiness/Angst - 6
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 10
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – 9

Is this story complete? No

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Up to the latest update (Chapter 6 at the time of review)

*Spoilers follow*

This story is all kinds of intriguing. I hadn’t read the summary before I read the story so I was completely (but happily) taken by surprise. The Volturi have this thing going on where sex is everywhere (and I mean, EVERYWHERE). The Cullens are philosophers who believe in long term monogamous relationships, but are invited to the Volturi palace by Aro, who definitely has something up his sleeve. The story kinda follows canon, which is cool because the similarities pop up and surprise you in this world that is so different from Forks.

Edward is okay. I don’t wanna shank him, which is nice. In fact, I feel a little bad for him ‘cause the poor boy has the worst case of blue balls ever, which is what, I believe, hinders him when he tries to make good decisions.

Jake isn’t really a central character, but I like him and have been assured that he will be happy, even though he’s not with Bella.

Overall, this story keeps my interest (and not just ‘cause of all the sex). I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Submissive by tara sue me

Title: The Submissive

Author: tara sue me


Summary: Can Bella Swan warm and win the heart of dom, Edward Cullen, while living out her darkest fantasy?

Rating: M

Readability/Grammar – 10
Humor – 2
Fluffiness/Angst – 10
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – n/a (Jake is Edward’s lovable dog)
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 6, 7
Smut – 10

Is this story complete? Yes

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes


The primary reason I gave the Edward love scale not too much of an increase is that the entire time up until the climax (no pun intended), Bella has no idea what is actually going on with Edward, and therefore gives him way too much credit, in my opinion. Then by the time the end rolls around, it’s time to say “Awww…” for the couple in question.

There’s really not much to say about this fic that’s not very obvious to anyone who’s aware of the S&M lifestyle. For what it was, I enjoyed it, and it’s easy to put yourself into Bella’s situation even without personally being an D/S.

Jake lovers: Yes, Jake is Edward’s dog, although there’s nothing derogatory about his character aside from that fact.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Perfect Wife by rmcrms5

Title: The Perfect Wife

Author: rmcrms5


Summary: After Renee and Phil die in a car accident on Bella’s 17th birthday. She is sent to live with her father, Charlie and brother, James in Forks WA after being separated for 10 years with no contact. Charlie dabbles in training and placement of the “perfect” wife for exclusive clientele. Bella quickly learns that she’s going that she’s going to get more than a high school education. She's going to be educated with a purpose.

Rating: NC-17

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 4
Fluffiness/Angst - 10!
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – n/a
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 2, then 10
Smut – 7 (but most of it will make you shudder and at one point I felt ill)

Is this story complete? No

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Up to the latest update (Chapter 49 at the time of review)

*Spoilers follow*

Guys, take this warning to heart. It isn’t just an idle message. This story contains some seriously fucked up shit including incest and anal rape. If you don’t think you can handle it DO NOT READ THE STORY!

Jake lovers, Jacob makes an appearance or two in this story, but it’s sparing so far, which is why I gave him an n/a on his rating scale. If he becomes a more predominate player in the story, I will update his rating.

Okay, Edward is a fucking bastard for a while. And that’s not my Team Jacob-ness talking, that’s the truth. Here’s the even bigger issue. It’s Carlisle and Charlie’s faults. If you have any love for Charlie or Carlisle DO NOT READ THIS STORY!

1) Charlie is pedophilic incestuous son of a bitch (and that’s me being gentle)

2) Carlisle…I wanna shank him. Like seriously, if he was a real guy, he would be bleeding right now. My blood pressure skyrockets just thinking of the shit he’s done.

James is also a series of expletives, but I figure that was to be expected. If you’re squeamish, I suggest reading the prologue then skipping the first ten chapters. No lie, this story is on the fucked up side. At first, I was reading just because I had to see how the hell Bella was going to get out of a completely fucked situation, but once Edward turns the corner, it gets better.

Monday, February 22, 2010

An Introduction to Swirl and Daisy by m81170

Title: An Introduction to Swirl and Daisy

Author: m81170


Summary: A first kiss, a first dance, a first curse word shared between best friends. This is the tale of a boring young geek and the social pariah who thought the world of him. A tale of growing up. A tale of a Non-Romantic Romance.

Rating: T

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 9
Fluffiness/Angst - 2
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – n/a
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – n/a

Is this story complete? No

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Up to latest update (Chapter 11 at time of review)

*Spoilers follow*

The story starts off on Bella's first day of school in Forks. She's in the 8th grade and meets Edward in her first period class. It just gets more and more adorable from there. There's no Jakie so far, so there's no need to worry about him becoming the bad guy. This story is just fluffy, hilarious goodness and I can't wait for the next update!

Sidenote: I wanna pinch Edward's cheeks and take him to Comic Con. He's sooooo cute! (Don't judge me, he hasn't fucked up yet and he is cute)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Girl Afraid by agoraphobiantic

Title: Girl Afraid

Author: agoraphobiantic


Summary: Edward moves to Forks with his father during his senior year, where he meets Bella Swan. Gorgeous, confident, and non-malicious hater extraordinaire. She hates Edward, and it's anyone's guess why.

Rating: M

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 4
Fluffiness/Angst - 10
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 2, then 3
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – 7

Is this story complete? Yes

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes

*Spoilers follow*

This story starts out pretty tame. Edward rolls into Forks and Bella hates him the first day. Then the shit starts to hit the fan. Jakie isn't too much of a major player here, but what is seen of him is not awesome. Bella explains some of his behavior later, but still...

Bella...I honestly thought Bella was insane. Then I got to the final few chapters and I just wanted to cry for everyone. Every character with a direct connection to Bella needed a hug (except for Renee and Phil. Be prepared to hate them).

Hydraulic Level 5 by Gondolier

Title: Hydraulic Level 5

Author: Gondolier


Summary:Critics hailed Edward Cullen’s novels as “masterful” and "brimstone beauty"--a genius of our time. Eh. I gave him my heart when I was four…and still, he left me for his stupid vampire books. Now he's an NYC elite...and I have extreme sports in Forks, WA.

Rating: M

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 7
Fluffiness/Angst - 9
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 10
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 5, 10
Smut – n/a
Sensuality - 7

Is this story complete? No

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Up to latest update (chapter 29 at time of review)

*Spoilers follow*

This fic is really good and has a good bit of everything. It's pretty much Jakie neutral. He's a great friend to Bella, and there's a little Edward jealousy/animosity, but it really isn't that big a deal and the story focuses much more on the ExB relationship.

Edward. He is not perfect. The reason I gave the Edward love scale a 10 is because his actions are explained and once you understand, you can't really hold it against him.

The ExB relationship has real world problems, but they are working through them which is beautiful to read. I love how Gondolier takes real world relationship issues and lets the characters deal with them in very relatable ways.

Parting note: Leah is my favorite character in this fic. Hands down.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The University of Edward Masen by SebastienRobichaud

Title: The University of Edward Masen

Author: SebastienRobichaud

Link: **This story has been removed from the Internet**

Summary: Edward Masen is the selfish and brooding university professor; Bella Swan is his shy, but determined graduate student. Appearances can be deceiving. Have their paths crossed before? Rated M for good reason, all human, canon pairings, AU, OOC, ExB

Rating: M

Readability/Grammar – 9 (sometimes it’s just a little hard to follow with the third person POV)
Humor – 3
Fluffiness/Angst – 8
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 1
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 8
Smut – n/a... for now
(sensuality: 5... for now)

Is this story complete? No.

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes (Chapter 21 at time of review)

*spoilers follow*

Jake-lovers beware. In this fic, he’s a controlling prick that we haven’t even learned much about. All we know is that while they were dating, he forced Bella into oral sex, and got upset when she wouldn’t go further. He has since called her by breaking into Charlie’s house and dialing from his speed dial, and Bella has to get a new phone number. We don’t even know much about him other than he’s a scary prick for Bella, and now Edward would like nothing more than to feed Jake his own balls on a silver platter. Or worse.

Aside from that little note, I-LOVE-THIS-FIC! It’s sweet and romantic, and is all about redemption (for everyone but Jake, I assume… If that changes, I’ll be sure to update this review).

*more major spoilers follow*

As you may derive from the summary, the hindrance for ExB in this story is that it seems everywhere they turn, their love is forbidden. As a 17-year-old girl, Bella goes over to Alice’s house for dinner, and she is finally going to meet Alice’s older adopted brother, Edward, who she had stolen a picture of from Alice’s room (a little stalkerish, but what don’t we do when we’re 17?). Hah… the clincher here? Edward is 27. And a crack addict. Bella doesn’t know this when she takes a walk with him out to the meadow. Nothing happens, of course. Edward is a Dante specialist, and after the evening is over, he is convinced that their midnight rendezvous is nothing more than a dream, and his Beatrice was a figment of his romantic imagination. It takes a while for him to realize that his new student, Bella (who is now 27, and consequently, Edward is 37), is the same girl that stole his heart that evening.

I can’t wait for this story to continue developing. A must-read for Edward lovers. *wide grin*

Note 2/15/10: Yeah... If you love Jake, you WON'T love this story.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

It's Just Lunch by Tampagirl81

Title: It's Just Lunch

Author: Tampagirl81


Summary: Bella is in L.A. to finalize her wedding plans. She comes across a rare opportunity to have a chance with the Hollywood "It" guy, Edward Masen. Rated M for lemons, language and adult situations. Canon couples? Maybe! Very OOC.

Rating: M

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 7
Fluffiness/Angst - 6
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 10
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – 7
Is this story complete? No
Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Up to the latest update (Chapter 14 at the time of review)

*Spoilers Follow*

Have you ever seen Entourage? Personally, I never miss an episode (Turtle is my personal fav). This fic is very similar to that show. Edward is an actor. Jasper is his manager and Carlisle is his agent. The difference is that Bella is an heiress and Emmett is her fiance and Alice is her personal assistant.

This fic begins with a lot of humor, but as you continue to read, you learn a lot more about how things came about and the shit really hits the fan. I don't think I've ever read a fic where I wanted to punch Emmett, but I have my moments in this one.

Jake...*sigh* Jakie is in this fic. He's sweet and a really good friend to Bella (hence the high rating), but don't get hot and bothered for him. He's gay. Apparently, he will have his "Nessie" in the next update, and I'm interested to see how that will come about.

Overall, this is a really good story with a lot of twists that I didn't see coming. You should def read it...unless Jakie playing for the other team makes you too sad. If that's the case, just change his name in your head and keep reading (Personally, I call him Eric hehe)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

St. Andrew's Place by Lipsmacked

Title: St. Andrew's Place

Author: Lipsmacked


Summary:FEMSLASH: Bella moves in with Rosalie and her girlfriends, Alice and Leah. The four of them have sex. B/R/A/L, but eventually B/L

Rating: M

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 7
Fluffiness/Angst - 8
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 10, but not a major character
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10, but not a major character
Smut – 10!

Is this story complete? Yes

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes

*Spoilers follow*

Okay, so that summary is the most basic summary you could have for this story. There is way more going on than the summary leads you to believe. Leah seems to hate Bella at first and the story is basically a journey to discover why Leah treats Bella so harshly and, eventually, to see the blooming of their relationship.

Again, as with all her fic, the story alone is really good, but the sex is just as good if not better. This was the first femslash I ever read, and it is still my fav. I know it isn't for everyone, but if you are at all interested in slash, this is a must read.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

So Obvious by Lipsmacked

Title: So Obvious

Author: Lipsmacked


Summary: Jake and Emmett are living the life, until their new roommate Rosalie, starts screwing up their bachelor lifestyle. Will one of them end up screwing her? AH/AU. Anything goes in terms of pairings.

Rating: M

Readability - 10
Grammar - 8
Humor - 7
Fluffiness/Angst - 6
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 10!
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 9 (but he's not really a major player in the plot)
Smut – 10!

Is this story complete? No

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Up to the latest update (Chapter 18 at the time of review)

*Spoilers follow*

This is the first story I ever read by Lipsmacked and let me tell you, she has a fan for fuckin' life!

As far as smut goes, this fic has everything (minus guy on guy, but you can read her o/s Tight End, if you're interested). The pairings are all over the place at first, but they become canon as the fic goes on.

The main focus is Jake. First with Rose, then with Rose and a friend...then with that friend and other friends. I don't want to completely ruin it for you by telling you what all happens, so trust me, it's good.

Lipsmacked's writing (this story in particular) has made my bubby a very happy camper and we are both eternally grateful. hehehe

Finally, I have to say that I love the fact that there is a story to all of Lipsmacked's stuff. It's not just smut for smut's sake. If you took out the sexin' they would still be awesome stories...but where's the fun in that? ;)

New School by Lipsmacked

Title: New School

Author: Lipsmacked


Summary: The Cullen relocate to New Hampshire where Jacob and Nessie may find its time to take their relationship the next level. M for certain chapters.

Rating: M

Readability/Grammar – 10
Humor – 8
Fluffiness/Angst – 9
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 10
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – 10!

Is this story complete? No

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? up to latest update (Chapter 26 at time of review)

*spoilers follow*

Lipsmacked has taken a time out from fanfic to get some original work done, but I practically begged her to let me review her stories even though she's going to take them down at some point.
So here we go...

I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!! Let me tell you why:

1) Jake is HOT! I'm not normally a fan of Nessie, but Lipsmacked brings it out of me. She has a tendency to make me like things I never thought I would and Ness is no different.

2)For the Edward/Bella shippers, there are ExB sexy times.

3) It's set after BD and a very plausible series of events. There's really no time when I was tempted to say, "That would never happen..." which is rare, lemme tell you.

Really, you should read anything she writes, but if you're just starting, go ahead and start with New School.

You can thank me later ;)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Emancipation Proclamation by kharizzmatik

Title: Emancipation Proclamation

Author: kharizzmatik


Summary: Edward grew up in a life of money, power, & respect. Isabella was born into slavery-has never known another way. Their worlds collide & neither will ever be the same again. Will he give her freedom? Can he bear to ever let her go? AU-H OOC *Set in 2005*

Rating: M

Readability/Grammar – 10
Humor – 5
Fluffiness/Angst – 9
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 7
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – 8

Is this story complete? No

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? up to latest update (Chapter 66 at time of review)

*spoilers follow*

This is another fic that had me guessing for a while on the Jake front. When he comes into play, Edward hates him and he's always telling lame jokes. As the story progresses, you find out much more about Jacob and, once he gives the jokes a rest, he's actually a really nice guy.

Edward is a Mafia prince with anger issues. In the beginning of the fic, he beats the shit out of any guy who goes near Bella, even if they just want to help her out. He gets better as the story goes on though. You can tell that his relationship with Bella calms him down a bit.

The drama is crazy! You will constantly be on the edge of your seat. This fic is long, but I like that. It gave me so much to read and kept me interested the entire time.

Warning: Carlisle pulls a jackass move on Bella. I still haven't forgiven him for it. Be prepared to be mad at him for at least a couple chapters.

Tropic of Virgo by

Title: Tropic of Virgo



Summary: He's a young but jaded musician writing lyrics for his band, and she's a naive, frustrated poet looking to break out of her shell; their words collide online. What happens when they meet in high school, unaware of their literary connection?

Rating: M

Readability/Grammar – 9
Humor – 7
Fluffiness/Angst – 4
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – n/a
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – 7

Is this story complete? Yes

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes

*spoilers follow*


Before reviewing the plot, there was only one thing that really irked me about this fic. Actually, the fact that there’s extensive promiscuity, underage drinking and drug use wouldn’t have bothered me quite as much, had Carlisle and Esme not been encouraging it the whole time. Esme is the hippie pot head, and Carlisle is the pragmatic doctor, wanting his kids to be responsible with their abuse at home, rather than out with people they don’t trust. It is addressed in the middle, somewhere, very briefly and not at all in a way that makes any change happen at all. (Edward accuses Carlisle of being his children’s doctor—and not their father—when he tells them about his intention to keep their substances under control. Edward makes other references implying that Carlisle would rather treat the symptoms of an issue rather than the source of the problem.) Esme is not discussed as much, but where she is present, she is either referred to as a hippie, or asking her child to roll a joint for her because her hands are sticky. I have similar principles on how I’d like my future children to experience drugs or alcohol if they so insist, but here it is absolutely encouraged, and promiscuity is only discouraged because of potential STDs.


So… on that happy note, I actually really liked this fic. You may be saying “What in the world?! She just told us it was about horrible sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll, and she still liked it?”

Hahaha. Yes. Like I said, aside from the issues I have regarding how the Cullens addressed discipline (of which there was none), I really liked the story. It was very Shop-Around-the-Corner-meets-10-Things-meets-Save-the-Last-Dance (and yes, I realize two of those are Julia Styles movies).

Jake in this story is hardly present, which is why I gave him an "n/a" on the Fur-friendly rating. He is a member of the Quileute band. Bella mentions that they were friends as small children, but I am pretty sure there are only two real times in the whole fic where she comes in contact with him at all. He is very enthusiastic, and the only mistake he makes is giving Bella too much moonshine. However, considering the nature of the fic, this is obviously not something we turn up our nose at, because then we’d have to hate everyone. Hahaha.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Breathe Again by Ysar

Title: Breathe Again

Author: Ysar


Summary: If Alice hadn’t seen Bella cliff-dive, what would have happened? Would Bella have given in to her feelings for Jacob? Was she even capable of moving on? Victoria's hunting, Edward's coming back---and that's just the beginning!

Rating: M

Readability/Grammar - 10
Humor - 8
Fluffiness/Angst - 7
Smut - n/a at time of review
Sensuality - 10
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 10
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – n/a

Is this story complete? No

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Up to latest update (Chapter 73 at time of review)

*Spoilers follow*

BA is *hand to my God* my favorite JxB fic. Every time I think of doing a JxB fic, I can't think of any scenario that would be better than BA. The fic has everything: comedy, angst, action...

Plus, there's gonna be a sequel (which Edward and the whole Cullen crew will be in)!!

I can't gush about it enough so I'm gonna stop myself here before I lose it and just spew fangirl juice all over this review, lol!

P.S. Even though there's no sex, you can cut the sexual tension between those two with a spork!

The Dawn was Already Broken by Forever without him

Title: The Dawn was Already Broken

Author: Forever without him


Summary: BD from Leah's POV.

Rating: M

Readability/Grammar - 7
Humor - 10
Fluffiness/Angst - 7
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 10
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10

Is this story complete? Yes

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes

*Spoilers Follow*

THIS FIC IS HILARIOUS! Plus, you get to actually see what Leah said when she gave Bella a piece of her mind, which I totes gave Leah a fist bump for (yes, I'm aware she's a fictional character, but that scene was WIN!)
Anywho, read it. It's Wolf centric (duh) but my Team Eddie girls liked it too. There's something for everyone.
It needs editing, so prepare yourself for a typo here or there, but nothing can beat Leah getting her happy ending :D

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Intersection by Lillybellis

Title: Intersection

Author: Lillybellis


Bella is new in town with a secret past. A chance encounter with Edward turns into something meaningful when their lives begin to intersect. Will a past connection and inexplicable bond be enough to heal the wounds that both are hiding?

Rating: M

Readability/Grammar – 7 (see review for details)
Humor – 3
Fluffiness/Angst – 5 (see review for details)
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 10
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – 2

Is this story complete? Yes

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes

Plot tactic: Author sometimes skips days/weeks of the plot line between chapters, and I wasn’t expecting that, since the first few chapters are consecutive. This may help with your comprehension of the story.

First-off, the explanation of my “Readability/Grammar” rating. The grammar is impeccable, the readability not so much. This fic took me a little bit longer to read than it should have, and I think it’s because of how she wrote her paragraphs. It seemed like the beginning of a paragraph they would be speaking somewhere, and then it would say “they went here,” and in the next paragraph they were still talking, but they were something completely different. My recommendation for this story is that you DEFINITELY not take for granted what’s going on, and read every sentence very carefully. The problem with that, is that it makes it very difficult to actually get into the story you’re trying to read. I found myself more likely to skip down to the bottom of the page and then read up to it, so I just kept my hand on my mouse and continued scrolling down a few lines at a time so I didn’t have the chance.

As far as the angst/fluffiness goes, this story consisted of major situational problems that would cause anyone a great deal of emotional turmoil. The first chapter is a total tear-jerker, and it consistently talks about the issues that are going on, but in such a way where you don’t feel completely hopeless. This is a story of learning how to forgive yourself for your actions. No matter how upset Bella is, she is now at a point in her life where she’s trying to be worthy of the second chance she’s been given at life, and that drives a lot of her positive personal decisions, which is why I did not give it a higher "Angst" rating.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Just One of the Guys by SorceressCirce (Take 2)

Title: Just One of the Guys

Author: SorceressCirce


Summary: Scarred by events in her past, Bella relies heavily on her best friend and roommate, Jasper. When Jasper falls in love with a girl named Alice, Bella is excited for him but can’t help but wonder – where will she fit in? Canon pairings, AH/AU, OOC

Rating: M

Readability/Grammar - 10
Humor - 8
Fluffiness/Angst - 9.5
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 7
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – n/a at time of review
(Sensuality - 6)
Is this story complete? No
Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Up to the latest update (Chapter 27 at the time of review)

*Spoilers Follow*

I pretty much agree with Cora, with the exception of the analysis of Jake's situation. I'm pretty positive that he will redeem himself in this fic, and I'll be re-writing this review as the story continues to update.

Basically, this is what I think is happening: Jake has liked Bella for a long time, and he's been waiting for her to be comfortable enough around the opposite sex for him to make a move. Overall, up until the time he flips out, Jake has been completely understanding and supportive... and then he found out about Edward. He asks Bella if she's faked the severity of her timidity, which I only think he did because he was taken aback by the fact that she is suddenly--in his eyes--so comfortable with Edward. Jake doesn't understand that Bella just doesn't see him in that way, and he was speaking out of frustration and anger, and not from how he really feels. I don't think he actually wanted to accuse her of lying or faking something so serious. He's upset, but I think he'll come around.

I wouldn't write off Jake in this fic so quickly. I think he'll realize his mistake and come around, but if you'd like to wait, then keep checking back for when new chapters are posted.

Just One of the Guys by SorceressCirce

Title: Just One of the Guys

Author: SorceressCirce


Summary: Scarred by events in her past, Bella relies heavily on her best friend and roommate, Jasper. When Jasper falls in love with a girl named Alice, Bella is excited for him but can’t help but wonder – where will she fit in? Canon pairings, AH/AU, OOC

Rating: M

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 8
Fluffiness/Angst - 9.5 (especially if you read the chapter where Bella explains what happened with James)
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 6
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – n/a at time of review
Is this story complete? No
Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Up to the latest update (Chapter 27 at the time of review)

*Spoilers Follow*

I love that Bella is a tomboy and plays World of Warcraft. Plus, this is probably one of the first Edward incarnation that I actually liked. "Pinkieward" makes me all kinds of happy, which I think is mainly 'cause I feel like he's good for Bella (pick your jaws up off the floor so I can explain).

In this fic, Bella went through some really terrible things with James and now has trust and intimacy issues when it comes to new guys in her life. She has a group of guy friends that she trusts, but other than that, boys are a no-go. Edward is patient and kind and all-around awesome with Bella and all her issues.

My only complaint is that Jake, a member of that group of Bella's guy friends, had to be an ass when he found out about Edward. And not just a regular ass, but a hugnormous (not sure that's a real word, but whatever) ass, especially since he knew EXACTLY what she went through and how hard she tried to get over it. If I were Bella, I would have cut him out of my life after what he said to her. I'm still holding out hope that he'll redeem himself, but I won't hold my breath because I can't see what he would say that could possibly make up for it. 'I'm sorry' just isn't adequate. He definietly isn't my Jakie.

Seventh Inning Stretch by Live720

Title: Seventh Inning Stretch

Author: Live720


Summary: What happens when an engaged Bella meets up with her drunken one-night stand at a baseball game, after she thought she’d never see him again? Will she be able to put the past behind her or will she be lured back into her lust for the sexy Jacob Black? Sample entry for the SOB challenge, AH, OOC, Rated M for Lemony goodness.

Rating: M

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 4
Fluffiness/Angst - 7
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 10
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – 9
Is this story complete? No
Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Up to the latest update (Chapter 6 at the time of review)

*Spoilers follow*

Soooooo... I'm hooked on this story. The summary pretty much explains what's happening here. The sex with Jake (especially at the stadium) is ridiculously hot. You end up feeling bad for both of the boys. She has amazing sex with Jake, but keeps telling herself how she's not in love with him (stab me in the heart, why don't you). She cheats on Edward, her fiancee in this story, and even though she's sure she loves him, she can't bring herself to be with him physically after being with Jake.

It's heartfail all around, but a definite must read :D

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Vegas, Baby! by jslack

Title: Vegas, Baby!

Author: jslack


Summary: Bella travels to Vegas with her two best friends to try to forget her past relationship. Lives will forever be changed after the girls meet Edward, Jasper, and Emmett. How will they deal when they discover one pair got married and despise one another?

Rating: M

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 6
Fluffiness/Angst - 4
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 2, then 10
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 2, then 10
Smut – 9
Is this story complete? No
Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Up to the latest update (Chapter 19 at the time of review)

*Spoilers follow*

I’m gonna level with you guys. This fic had me guessing for while. Jake and Bella were best friends that dated then broke up (painfully) and I was petrified that when Jake actually presented himself, he’d turn out to be an ass and I’d have to stop reading.

I was wrong! When Jake finally speaks, he’s completely descent and awesome and the Jake I love, even if he’s not with Bella romantically. His sisters are evil, but that’s way better than if Jake was. Honestly, I was so happy he wasn’t a prick that I had to send jslack a review specifically thanking her for it.

The ExB relationship is adorable. He’s an ass at first, but becomes the sweetest thing ever and I can’t wait to see what happens next!

Pen Pals by covermeinfeathers

Title: Pen Pals

Author: covermeinfeathers


Bella and Edward met 12 years ago and were faithful pen pals for 4 years, when they met again. After the second meeting, Edward abruptly stopped writing. Now Bella's come to work for Edward's company. Will she recognize him and forgive him?

Rating: M

Readability/Grammar - 9 (just a few confusing parts I had to re-read)
Humor - 10
Fluffiness/Angst - 1
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 10
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – 9

Is this story complete? Yes

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes

No need for spoilers here. This is a feel-good fic, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's not all butterflies and rainbows the entire time, but issues are resolved quickly, and any left over angst of the characters are put to rest by the other POV as quickly as possible.

Writing is very concise. Plot is clear, and moves efficiently.

Coming to Terms by GinnyW 31

Title: Coming to Terms

Author: GinnyW 31


A one night stand, a handful of condom wrappers, and Bella decides she's meant to be alone. Fate has other plans. All human. Canon pairings.

Rating: M

Readability/Grammar - 10
Humor - 2
Fluffiness/Angst - 9
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 6
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 2, 10
Smut – 4

Is this story complete? Yes

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes

*Spoilers follow*

Edward and Bella meet, have a one-night stand. Edward ends up writing his phone number on a condom wrapper (not too bright, Dude), and so Bella gets the wrong impression and throws it away.
Bella becomes pregnant, but can't find Edward to tell him. She randomly sees him at a social event, and informs him that he's pregnant, and he totally flips out. It's definitely an emotional roller coaster to get from here to HEA, but the author does it.

Jake isn't a jerk at all in this fic, he's just kind of clueless. He and Bella dated at one point, but Bella's idea of staying in Forks and living a mundane life--which is what she believes will inevitably follow if she stayed with him--is unacceptable for her. Her relationship with Charlie is not helped when she stops wanting to talk to him all together because he always mentions Jacob. Throughout the story Jacob simply becomes a nuisance that Bella has to deal with, although he does give her good advice, and she genuinely appreciates it, despite his annoying persistence (like I said--he's not a horrible guy, he still wants her, even when she's pregnant with someone else's child).

Holding Out For You by ObsessingOverEdward

Title: Holding Out For You

Author: ObsessingOverEdward


Summary: After her divorce, Bella starts a new life with her son. She soon meets a handsome doctor, who is dealing with his own loss and is struggling to raise his two kids. It's a story of finding strength during adversity and learning to love again

Rating: M

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 5
Fluffiness/Angst - 3
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 1
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – 5

Is this story complete? Yes

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes

*Spoilers follow*

I enjoyed this story, personally, but it was also another reason I agreed to help Cora with this blog. Jake doesn't do many reprehensible things in this story, and he loves his son, he's just an overall douchebag. He doesn't really want to take life seriously, he cheats on Bella (the reason she divorced him), and then lets the girl move into their house after Bella moves away with their son. Later on in the story, he explains how he'd kick out his girlfriend, if Bella agreed to move back in with him. Yeah. Jake lovers, avoid like the plague.

Bella Swan: Kidnapper by Kambria Rain

Title: Bella Swan: Kidnapper

Author: Kambria Rain


Summary: Um. Hi. I don’t really know how to say this, but I have your kids with me, and I was thinking maybe you would like them back. So yeah… call me.
Rating: M

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 10
Fluffiness/Angst - 2
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 10
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – 5

Is this story complete? Yes

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes

No need for spoilers here. You get the gist of the story from the summary: Bella somehow ends up with Edward's kids. Now, you know that she didn't actually kidnap them, which means lots and lots of hilarious misunderstandings ensue. If you pay close enough attention it's relatively predictable, but it's a super fun ride. Jake is a good friend, and is paired up with Nessie, so there's no Jake-hate here.

This author also did a spin-off that I have yet to read, called Officer Goodbody, a Jake/Nessie fic.

Stay by crimsonmarie

Title: Stay

Author: crimsonmarie

Summary: As an actor, Edward Cullen is surrounded by people that he couldn't really care less about. What happens when he buys a house in the middle of nowhere and meets his new neighbors? AH, AU, ExB, rated M for future chapters and language.
Rating: M
Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 7
Fluffiness/Angst - 3
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 3
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – 5

Is this story complete? Yes

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes

*Spoilers follow*

This story is actually really cute, but one reason why I thought I could help-out Cora with this blog. Initially, Jake is innocuous. He and Bella are in a relationship, and Edward, although he's attractive and present, there is no move made for them to get together. It's when Jake gets paranoid and possessive (literally--when he moves out he takes almost all of their furniture with him, including their bed, and the food in the refrigerator) that the shit hits the fan and the Jake-o-meter plummets. Later on in the story he gets back together with an old girlfriend and makes an attempt to flaunt their relationship to provide humor for the plot when it backfires. Overall, good story, but one that I would recommend Cora to avoid, as well as any Jake-lovers out there.

Clipped Wings and Inked Armor by Hunterhunting

Title: Clipped Wings and Inked Armor

Author: Hunterhunting


Summary: Haunted by her past Bella is broken and alone. Starting over, can she let go of the guilt that consumes her when she meets a beautiful tattoo artist or will his own personal demons destroy them first? Rated M for langage and lemons. AH/OOC

Rating: M

Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 6
Fluffiness/Angst - 10
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 2
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – 9.5

Is this story complete? No

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes (up to last update, which was chapter 38 at time of review)

*Spoilers follow*

Okay, so the angst abounds in this one. Edward’s parents were murdered, leaving him broken, but Bella? Bella’s entire family and network of friends was killed in a plane crash which she blames herself for. Why would she blame herself, you ask? Well, apparently, everyone she knew was on the plane because they were on the way to a destination wedding…Bella and Jake’s destination wedding.

It’s an ExB fic, but you would think the fact that Jake died as Bella’s fiancée/best friend would at least cast him in a positive light in Bella’s memory. Not the case, fellow Jake lovers. Pretty much whenever Bella thinks of Jacob, she compares him to Edward and the comparison is unkind at best. Apparently, not only was Jacob stifling, he was also unable to get Bella to orgasm (which is highly unlikely, IMO, but, you know I’m biased). Honestly, I can’t see why they were even friends, let alone engaged, if that’s all Jake was, but maybe I’m weird that way.

Edward is tatted and pierced and angry with borderline caveman qualities at times (not that that’s new), but he’s loveable and the sex is ridiculously hot (but be prepared for some freaky shit).

So, fellow Jake lovers, be ready for a skewed view of Jake while you read…in fact, if you see Jake’s name you may just want to skip that part entirely.

Get Me To You by Chicklette

Title: Get Me To You

Author: Chicklette

Summary: Pet names and Pop Tarts. Sunday mornings with Etta and Ella. Cibola. Candymouth. You finally realize the truth. What if it's too late? M for drinking, drug use, sex and effing language. ExBxJxAxEm/POV, AH, OOC
Rating: M
Readability - 8
Grammar - 9
Humor - 4
Fluffines/Angst - 8
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – N/A
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 4 at first, but 10 as the story progresses
Smut – 7

Is this story complete? Yes

Did the reviewer finish reading the story? Yes

*Spoilers follow*

So, someone told me this was the best JasxB fic they had ever read, and though I trust their opinion, I doubted I would agree. For starters, I’m not really a canon Jasper fan and then when I read him in fanfic I tend to like him less, so I didn’t expect much when I started reading… I was wrong. It reads like the characters are actually talking to you and it’s just so incredibly sweet and angsty all mixed together. Jasper starts out as the friend and I always root for the friend, but then, this Jasper is just awesome on top of it. It has smutty moments, but it focuses more on the emotions, and tends to read kind of like snapshots of sexy time as opposed to dicks being inserted into twats and the like. You get multiple POVs per chapter and it’s great because even though the POVs are short, you get to see things from multiple points of view.

The fic itself is only 6 chapters, including epilogue, but I love it and I recommend it to anyone. Plus, the music is great :)

Best part? Jake’s not in it at all, so I didn’t have to worry about getting upset about how he was portrayed. It was nice to just sit back and enjoy the show.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tilt by Lambcullen

Title: Tilt
Author: lambcullen
Summary: MAN WANTED: 52 cards. 52 Positions. Can an internet advertisement really bring two people together? Even if it's only based on sex? AU/AH/OOC Canon Couples.
Rating: M
Readability - 10
Grammar - 10
Humor - 8
Fluffiness/Angst - 6
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale) – 0
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale) – 10
Smut – 8.5
Is this story complete? No
Did the reviewer finish reading the story? No

*Spoilers follow*

This is a really good fic, especially if you’re a He-man Jacob hater. I was with it for a while, even when she said that Bella couldn’t stop laughing when she tried to have sex with Jake (I have no idea how that’s even possible, but I rolled with it). Then I read the latest update (chapter 9) and about had a meltdown. Apparently, Jake hit Bella when she refused to give him head. I had to stop after that. I couldn’t even finish the chapter. Edward and Bella are really sweet and awkward together, but I just can’t deal with the ‘evil Jake’ factor. If it gets better later, someone let me know and I’ll update this post. As it stands, my warning to my fellow Jakie lovers is proceed with caution…if at all.

Sidenote: Kell tells me that some of the other stories by this author aren’t so friendly to Jake either, so definitely be prepared if you are reading anything from this author.

Mission Statement

Hi there! I'm Cora. I write and read Twilight fanfiction. I am Team Jacob and I have a problem.

There are some great ExB stories out there, but some of them treat my boy Jakie too harshly and I eventually have to stop reading.

This blog is my attempt at finding a solution, not just for me, but for all fanfic readers.

The purpose of this blog is to warn people before they read a fan fic as to how harshly said fic represents their favorite character. This blog will rate all fics and give ratings for Team Jake and Team Edward (I have my Team Edward Twi-soulmate, Kell, helping me out).

The Scales:
Fur-friendly (Jake love scale)
Emo-sensitive (Edward love scale, and just so you know, Kell came up with that, not me)

The Jake and Edward love scales will be on each review, but the other scales are only as needed.

So, here's where you come in :)
Please email me at if you have a fic to recommend to us. We'll read it, review it, and mention that you suggested it in out review!

DISCLAIMER: This blog is meant to inform, not demean. We aren't trying to hurt anyone's feelings, so please don't be offended.